Software Every Small Business Should be Using

When you are a small business, the more productive and efficient you are, the better your revenue will be. As you can imagine, the more revenue you bring in, the greater your profits and with these, you can reinvest them and grow your small business. To help you be more productive, you should be using software to assist you in your work. Software will help you do your work more quickly, it will support you in difficult tasks and it will allow you to take on more clients. 

When you look into the different types of tech that you can use, the list is very long and it varies depending on what you do. For example, every small business should have payroll software. If you use social media, using a graphic editing tool is paramount and a CRM system is also very important as this will help you keep track of all the customers you work with. Below we look into three different types of software every small business should be using. 

small business
Photo by Christina Morillo
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Finance Software

Every business, no matter how big or small, will benefit from using a finance system. They are so useful as they will help you in many areas of your business when it comes to money. You will use your finance software to keep track of your invoices, to keep track of your expenses, to keep track of your outgoings as well as run reports such as your profit and loss. Accounts packages are very affordable, often it’s a monthly fee. 

Graphic Design Software

You can use software like Adobe Photoshop or Canva to help with any image editing you do. If you use social media (which you should), Photoshop or Canva will help you with any adaptations that you need to make to your images, such as making an image brighter or removing any errors within a photo. You can also use graphic design software for things like your brochures, flyers or business cards. A lot of them will now use AI, to help create a few designs that you can use. 

CRM System  

A CRM system is used to keep track of any communication with your clients. You can set appointments on one, write any notes that you have had with the customer as well as set callbacks. By using a CRM system, everyone in your small business can read the notes, so that they can help your clients and know what’s happened in the past. 

Final Thoughts on Small Business Software

The above three systems are a touch on the many different software that you can use as a small business. Take a look through the list and see if any of them can help. As you can imagine some options are better for businesses than others, so it’s worth giving a few a try to see if they help you. 

What software do you currently use at your small business? Are there any really useful software that you think we should be adding to our list? Have you tried any of the software that we have mentioned above? Let us know in the comment box below. 


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